Chemsex and online communication

Chemsex, also known as Party and Play (PnP), refers to a subculture of drug use in which people take drugs, such as methamphetamine, mephedrone, and GHB, to enhance sexual pleasure. Chemsex can occur in both physical and online settings.

In an online context, people who engage in chemsex often use social networking sites, chat rooms, and other digital platforms to meet new sexual partners and discuss drug use. Online communication can be used to arrange a chemsex gathering.

In addition to discussing drug use, those who engage in chemsex online may share erotic stories, arrange for drug deliveries, and post explicit photos or videos. Participants may also use online communication to share advice on safer drug use or discuss the risks associated with chemsex.

The online aspect of chemsex can be beneficial in some ways, as it offers people a safe and discreet way to explore their sexuality, and for some, a sense of community. But it can also put participants at risk of exploitation, as well as health risks associated with drug use, such as overdose.

Ultimately, it is important to remember that chemsex is a potentially dangerous activity and that it should only be engaged in responsibly and with caution.


Published On: April 10th, 2023
Original Chem Sex Article


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