Chemsex and consent

Chemsex, also known as party and play or PnP, is a term used to refer to sexual activity involving the use of drugs, specifically crystal methamphetamine, GHB, GBL and mephedrone. It is commonly practiced in the LGBTQ community, and often involves multiple partners and long sessions of sexual contact.

Chemsex can have a number of risks, including increased risk of HIV, hepatitis C, and other sexually transmitted infections (STIs). Additionally, the use of drugs can alter a person’s judgment, leading to situations where consent may be unclear or absent.

It is important for anyone engaging in chemsex to ensure that all parties involved are fully informed and consenting. All parties should be given the opportunity to negotiate their boundaries, and to give and receive clear, affirmative, and informed consent. It is also important for people engaging in chemsex to ensure that they are aware of their own limits and to be aware of how different drugs and combinations of drugs might affect them.

Finally, it is essential for anyone engaging in chemsex to ensure that they are aware of the risks associated with the activity, and to take steps to reduce those risks, such as using condoms, getting tested regularly for STIs and HIV, and seeking help if they feel they may have become dependent on drugs.


Published On: April 14th, 2023
Original Chem Sex Article


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